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Common Issues


Note: If the solutions below do not fix the issue, please contact our Support team for further assistance:

Pagination Doesn't Work/Page 2 Returning Blank

This typically happens when a Repeater or Easy Posts element in Oxygen has a lower “Posts Per Page” set than the default WordPress Setting.

Suggested Resolution(s):

Go to Settings > Reading in /wp-admin and set the “Blog pages show at most” to a number equal to or less than the “Posts Per Page” value of your Easy Posts/Repeater element.

Large DOM Size

If you're getting a large DOM size alert when reviewing SEO, this generally occurs due to the number of elements on the page or from how deep your elements are nested.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Review the page/template in Oxygen and see if you can eliminate any elements.
  • Review the page/template in Oxygen and see if you can combine any elements.
  • If you have any Divs with only one child element, See if you can modify your design to eliminate the Div.

200 Error - OK

If a 200 error occurs when saving and the saving cog icon doesn't disappear, this can indicate that the SimpleXML PHP module is missing from your server.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Confirm the SimpleXML PHP module is installed on your site
  • Contact your hosting provider to see if they can find any issues in the server’s error logs.

If you're using nginx, you may need to update your server configuration to something such as:

server {
    . . .
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
    . . .

403 (Forbidden) Errors When Saving in Oxygen

If you’re encountering a 403 (Forbidden) error when trying to save in the builder, it means that the server or its firewall is blocking the request. This prevents Oxygen from saving changes properly.

What to Do

Unfortunately, this is a server-side issue that we can’t fix from our end. The best course of action is to contact your web host and ask them to check what is blocking the request. They may need to adjust firewall settings, security rules, or CDN configurations to allow Oxygen to function correctly.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Work with your web host to find what action is being blocked so that they can whitelist it. If you send them login details for the site and a link to where they can see the 403 error, they should be able to inspect the site using their browser tools and check the Console tab for further information.
  • If you're using the Sucuri plugin, please allow the URL paths:
    • ^action=ct_save_components_tree
    • ^action=oxy_render_oxy

Known Issue on Bluehost (SiteLock)

For users on Bluehost, we’ve identified that their SiteLock security service can cause this issue by blocking API requests. If you’re using SiteLock CDN, try updating your DNS settings to bypass it:

  • Remove the A records pointing to SiteLock’s IPs (e.g., and
  • Add a new A record pointing directly to your Bluehost server IP.
  • Remove the CNAME record pointing to
  • Point the CNAME record to your root domain instead.
  • Allow time for DNS propagation, then test saving in Oxygen again.

If you need to keep SiteLock active, consult their documentation or support to configure it so it allows Oxygen’s save requests without triggering a 403 error.

Known Issue on Hostinger

The Hostinger CDN can cause a 403 error. Disabling their CDN will allow you to save in Oxygen.

Further Information:

418 Error - I’m a Teapot

A 418 error is something most likely related to your hosting provider.

Suggested Resolution(s):

Contact your hosting provider to see if they can find any issues in the server’s error logs.

Further Information:

500 Error - Internal Server Error

The most common cause of a 500 error on an Oxygen site is that your site has run out of memory.

This can often occur if you have a lot of posts, pages, products, or other custom post types on your site and you are editing a template.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Set the Preview Dropdown Limit to something such as 10 or 20 via Oxygen > Settings > General in /wp-admin.
  • Contact your hosting provider to see if they can find any issues in the server’s error logs.

Further Information:

503 Error - Service Unavailable

A 503 error generally occurs when the server runs out of resources. This can happen due to the number of plugins installed on your site and the resources they are using.

Suggested Resolution(s):

Contact your hosting provider to see if they can find any issues in the server’s error logs.

Further Information:

504 Error - Gateway Timeout

A 504 Gateway Timeout in Oxygen is typically caused by a Code Block element having some incorrect code that prevents Oxygen from working correctly in one way or another.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Comment out any code in Code Block elements on the affected page or templates (if possible) and see if that resolves the issue.
  • We’ve also seen this issue occasionally occur when a site has too many DOM elements. To fix this, please try eliminating any extra elements, such as a Div element with only one child element, to see if that alleviates the problem.
  • Contact your hosting provider to see if they can find any issues in the server’s error logs.

Further Information:

Oxygen Doesn’t Load or Gets Stuck at “Tweaking Typography”

This generally occurs due to a plugin conflict, a server conflict, or a problem with Oxygen's global data.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Run a Plugin Conflict Test to see if the error happens with only Oxygen active.
  • Check your Site Health page (Tools > Site Health in /wp-admin) to see if any issues show there.
  • If you're using PHP v8x, please ensure you're using Oxygen v4.0 or greater.

Multiple Elements Selected at the Same Time in the Structure Pane

This problem occurs because several elements on a page or template have the same ID.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Take a screenshot of the page/template having issues, including the URL of the page/template you are working on, and contact our Support Team.

AJAX Timeout Error

This error can happen from a plugin conflict, the server running out of resources, or another issue that needs further investigation.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Run a Plugin Conflict Test to see if the error happens with only Oxygen active.
  • Check your Site Health page (Tools > Site Health in /wp-admin) to see if any issues show there.

Failed to Load Template Data

This error can happen from a plugin conflict, the server running out of resources, or another issue that needs further investigation.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Run a Plugin Conflict Test to see if the error happens with only Oxygen active.
  • Set the Preview Dropdown Limit to something such as 10 or 20 via Oxygen > Settings > General in /wp-admin.
  • Check your Site Health page (Tools > Site Health in /wp-admin) to see if any issues show there.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'SimpleXMLElement’

The SimpleXML PHP module is not installed on your site.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Install the SimpleXML PHP module.

"Error occurred while saving. Please contact support.”

When you encounter this error, please open your developer's browser tools (Right-click the page and select Inspect) and take a screenshot (or video) of the developer's console along with the page you are working on, including the page's URL. You'll then want to send this image and/or video to our Support team.

If you can also describe what you were doing when the error occurred, that would be helpful.

Items not loaded. cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

This error indicates your server is most likely having SSL problems.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Check to verify your server's SSL is correct and active.
  • Check to see if the WordPress URL and SiteURL are different in Settings > General of /wp-admin.

Template Not Loading on the Front End

If you've just created a template but can't see it being applied on the front end, it is most likely due to how the template is applied or the template not having the proper priority.

Suggested Resolution(s):

  • Check the template's application in /wp-admin and ensure the proper settings are checked.
  • Check to verify the template has a higher priority than other templates that might be applied to that URL on the front end.

Update Failed/An error occurred while updating Oxygen: Download failed. Unauthorized

If you encounter this error when trying to update Oxygen, you'll need to refresh your Oxygen license key with our system.

Suggested Resolution(s):

My License says "inactive" in the Portal

The inactive notice means your Oxygen license hasn't been activated on any site; the license is still valid. After you add your license key to a site, your license will say active in the Oxygen portal.

My changes aren't showing on the front end

This generally occurs when you have caching or optimization plugins active on your site. Please add the following exclusions to your caching/optimization plugin:

Last modified: February 15, 2025
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