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performance & SEO

Use Oxygen, and Google will love you

Oxygen's clean code output and lightning fast load times keep visitors and search engine bots happy.
Getting 95%+ on PageSpeed, YSlow, Dareboost... After 10 years' of WP work I have NEVER so easily achieved such consistently good stats.
Paul Batey
WordPress Professional

Here's why Oxygen websites load so quickly

Oxygen's code output is clean, lean, and free of bloat which is why pages built with Oxygen load quickly and get excellent Google PageSpeed & Lighthouse scores.

Here's a screenshot of the load time of a page built with Oxygen with a 349 millisecond load times - with no caching or optimization plugins.

This is typical when using Oxygen.

Oxygen is clean, lean, and bloat free.

Here's a chart comparing the amount of CSS & JavaScript loaded by default on blank pages built with Divi, Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Oxygen.
bloat loaded by other builders on a supposedly blank page
tests conducted with Elementor v2.3.4 w/ Elementor Pro v2.2.3 + Elementor Hello Theme v1.0, Divi Theme 3.17.6, Beaver Builder ( w/ Beaver Themer ( + Beaver Builder Theme, and Oxygen 2.2. jQuery was not included since it is loaded by WordPress by default.
As you can see, Oxygen is 50x leaner than Divi, 25x leaner than Elementor, and 10x leaner than Beaver Builder.

Oxygen generally only loads the scripts and styles absolutely required by your design.

But the other builders load everything, even when you don't use it. Animation styles, icon libraries, motion effects, slider scripts, and much more are loaded on every page, even when you won't be using 95% of it.

Bloat matters more than you might think.

Some people say bloat doesn't matter, because after all, modern internet connections are fast. Running a 5Mb page through a performance testing tool with an extremely high speed internet connection could give a similar time as a 100Kb page, even though the 5Mb page is 50 times bigger.

But not every internet connection is always fast. Here's what happens to download time for 1Mb of data when connection speeds slow down.
Slow internet is common. We've all been on airport wifi, on a cell phone without a great signal, or even in the corner of a friend's house where the wifi just isn't that great.

In cases like this, a bloated website will slow to crawl and you'll lose business. But one without bloat will still load quickly.

Slow websites cost you business.

Here's a chart from Google showing what happens to your bounce rate for every extra second it takes your page to load.
People start leaving, even after just a 1.5 second delay.

And slow websites will decrease your conversion rate. Even for the people that stay - they're less likely to purchase. Amazon did a study showing billions in lost revenue for every 1 second increase in load time.

Oxygen has the features you need to ensure top performance.

CDN Friendly — Use CloudFlare, Amazon CloudFront, or any other CDN. CSS is cached and query strings are avoided, making Oxygen work with all CDNs.
Google Font Weight Chooser — Force the use of only the chosen font weights, reducing the amount of font files that must be downloaded to display your site.
Bloat Eliminator — WordPress loads various unnecessary scripts and styles by default, which you can disable in Oxygen in one click.
In summary, Oxygen's reputation as the most performance-oriented visual builder around is well deserved.

Get Oxygen, and discover how easy it is to build fast-loading, performant websites.
Get Oxygen
Oxygen is no doubt the fastest. I have tested this for hours and hours. I have used Divi, Elementor, Jupiter, Brizy, OceanWP, Astra, PageBuilderPro, and more. Truth is, Oxygen wins, hands down, the facts speak for themselves.

Tim Veach
WordPress Professional

Dominate Google with Oxygen's baked in SEO

Help bots understand your content

Choose the appropriate semantic HTML5 tags for your elements - div, section, header, footer, article, main, aside, figcaption, h1 through h6, etc. to help search engines understand your content.

Take rankings from slower websites

Google is notoriously secretive about their algorithm, but they have gone on the record saying they use website load times as a rank factor and slow websites are penalized.

All other things being equal, Google is going to rank a faster website higher than a slower one.

Use your favorite SEO plugins

Oxygen will work with any WordPress SEO plugin. It includes built-in integrations for Yoast and Rank Math to get SEO scores for content designed in Oxygen.

The SEOPress developers have added Oxygen integration to SEOPress.
Get Oxygen
If your page builder is loading everything up regardless of whether you use it, it’s doing it wrong.
Chris Lema
Renaissance Man and WordPress God

Clean code output - no divception.

For developers who are sick of working with the extremely unwieldy and "divceptioned" HTML output from typical builders, Oxygen will be a breath of fresh air.

Instead of trying to figure out which of the 16 nested divs your CSS selector needs to target, you’ll only have 1 in Oxygen.
HTML output for a heading in Elementor vs Oxygen

Does HTML-to-text ratio matter for SEO?

Maybe - it's hard to say. Clean code probably doesn't matter directly, but Google’s new Lighthouse performance testing tool is now warning about large, "divceptioned" web pages.
This is likely because big divceptioned pages, especially that use a lot of custom JS, can perform very poorly, especially on older devices - they feel slow even after they are loaded and can cause scroll jank.
Get Oxygen
I've used dozens of systems, including Divi and Elementor. I focused mainly on SEO for a long time. I can safely tell you that Oxygen is on a different level altogether.
John Ramos
SEO Specialist

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