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Getting Started Tutorial

One of the first things we recommend after activating Oxygen is to create (or edit) your "Main" template. Traditionally, this template contains the header and footer for your site, as well an Inner Content element.

Creating the Main Template

To create this template, go to Oxygen > Templates and click Add New Template. Then perform the following steps:

  1. Add a name to the template. We recommend the name Main, but you can use any name you'd like.
  2. In Oxygen's Meta Box, open the Other section under Where Does This Template Apply?
  3. Check the "Catch All" option.
  4. Save/Publish the Template.

Opening the Visual Editor

After the template is created, we'll open Oxygen's Visual Editor. Once the template has finished saving, click the Edit with Oxygen button. This button is on the Edit screen for templates, pages, and all other custom post types where Oxygen has been enabled.

Adding an Inner Content Element

Continuing with our Main template, once Oxygen has finished loading, we will add an Inner Content element. This can be done by clicking the Add Element button in the top left corner of the Visual Editor.

Scroll down to Basics > Other and select the Inner Content element. This will add an Inner Content element to the template.

Now, save the page.

Your Main template has been set up, and you're now ready to set up additional templates and pages to design your site with Oxygen.

We recommend reading the following documentation next:

Last modified: May 8, 2023
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