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How to Provide Temporary Support Access

Depending on your issue, the Oxygen Support team may need to access your website to understand and troubleshoot it. To provide temporary support access for our Support team, you can create a Temporary Administrative User or Add a User Through Your Hosting Provider.

How to Create a Temporary Administrative User

Log into your WordPress website and click Users > Add New User in the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

Fill out the Add New User information. This information can be whatever you want, but we recommend the following as it will help our Support team respond faster.

  • Email:
  • Send User Notification: Leave this checked
  • Role: Administrator

Sending Our Support Team the Access Information

If you've created a new user with the email and kept the "Send User Notification" option checked, you only need to send us the website's login URL, as we should receive an email with the additional login information.

Otherwise, please send us the following information:

  • Username.
  • Password.
  • Login URL for the website.

To send the information, you may add it to a new Support Ticket if this is your first time contacting us for this issue, or if this is an existing issue, respond to the email where our Support team has requested the information.

If you are uncomfortable sending the information via text in an email, you can use a service such as to store the username, password, and login URL and then send us a link to that secret.

How to Revoke Support Access

After our Support team has finished helping you, it is recommended that you remove the temporary user or change the user's password.

Remove the Temporary User

If you wish to remove the Temporary Administrative User, please perform the following steps:

  • Go to Users > All Users in the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  • Find the User and click the "Delete" button next to the user
  • Follow the additional prompts.

Change the Temporary User's Password

As an alternative to removing the user entirely, you can change the user's password through the following steps:

  • Go to Users > All Users in the WordPress Admin Dashboard
  • Find the User for which you've supplied our Support team credentials.
  • Click the User to edit it.
  • Scroll down to Account Management
  • Click the "Set New Password"  button, which auto-generates a new Password
  • Click "Update User" at the bottom of the page.

The Temporary User account now has a new password, and our Support team will no longer be able to access your site.

Providing Temporary Support Access Through Your Hosting Provider

Some Hosting Providers have methods for adding new collaborators through their dashboards. If your website is with one of the Hosting Providers below, click the link and follow the steps to add us to your team. For all Hosting Providers, please use the email.

After support is complete, you will want to remove us as a team member.


Last modified: October 16, 2024
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