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Posted on September 23, 2022

Oxygen 4.1 Alpha 1 Now Available

hello world!

Today we're excited to announce the availability of the first alpha of Oxygen 4.1.

Oxygen 4.1 includes cross-site copy & paste, field expansion for fields with "none" units, and better revisions management.

Cross-Site Copy & Paste

Since basic copy & paste was implemented, cross-site copy & paste has been highly requested.

In Oxygen 4.1, you can now export an element via the pencil menu on any Structure Pane node. Once you click Export, the element's JSON will be copied to your system clipboard.

On the target site where you'd like to paste the copied element, navigate to the Structure Pane and click the new import button at the top (near the Expand All / Collapse All buttons), which will launch the import dialog. Next, paste the JSON into the provided field and click Import.

Note: As of the alpha, media items are not copied across with elements. This may change in a later alpha or beta.

Field Expansion & Revisions Management

These are both fairly minor quality of life tweaks.

Field expansion for units with "none" units means you can now see your CSS functions and CSS variables in narrow fields, such as global font size fields, when using the "none" unit. When the field is focused, it will expand to fill the available space, giving you a clearer view of long strings.

If you use functions like calc(), clamp(), or variables with long names, this should be a very welcome change.

Revisions management has been an ongoing focus over the last few releases. In this release, we've added the ability to delete individual revisions from specific posts, and delete all revisions from a specific post. This, in combination with the ability to limit latest & daily revisions via Oxygen > Settings > Revisions, should help alleviate issues for sites on economy servers with lots of revisions.

You can find a mostly complete changelog of the changes included in 4.1 alpha 1 below:

Oxygen users can find the alpha download in the customer portal.

Please note that alpha and beta releases of Oxygen or Oxygen add-ons should not be used in production environments. We do not provide official support for alpha or beta versions of Oxygen or Oxygen add-ons. If you encounter bugs, please report them on GitHub.

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