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What's new in Oxygen 3.8?

Introducing Advanced Queries and much more.

In This Release

Advanced Queries for Easy Posts & Repeaters
Native Rank Math Compatibility
Custom HTML Tags
Improved Drag & Drop
Selector Locking
50+ Bug Fixes, Tweaks, and Enhancements
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"Oxygen has taught me more about CSS and HTML in the last 9 days than I've learned since I started building websites 4 years ago."
Kyle Van Deusen

Advanced Queries

Create complex, dynamic post loops

Build Complex Queries Easily

The Advanced Query builder allows you to unlock the full potential of WordPress queries and dynamic data easily, with no code.

Use Dynamic Data

Insert dynamic data to search for other posts based on data from the current post. Related posts, relationship fields, or any other query you can imagine is now possible.

Works With Repeaters
& Easy Posts

Query any post type with any combination of query parameters, and easily output beautiful post lists or grids using the powerful Easy Posts and Repeater elements.
"Oxygen is the best investment I've made in my web career. It has completely changed the game for me."
Kris Waller


We've improved several Oxygen features

Improved Code Editor

Oxygen's built-in Code Editor now includes selectable themes, bracket & quote auto closing, bracket match highlighting, and tag match highlighting.

Improved Drag & Drop

Drag and drop elements in the Structure Pane with confidence and predictable results.

Custom HTML Tags

Use semantic HTML markup and create HTML structures visually with fully custom HTML tags, available for any element with selectable HTML tags.

Better Text Editing

Edit text element content directly in the Properties Pane.
"Oxygen is by far the best tool on the WordPress platform."
Jay Kersten

The Changelog

New: Advanced Query option for Easy Posts and Repeater, allowing dynamic data to be used in advanced queries
New: Native Rank Math compatibility (thanks to Rank Math team for providing the code) allowing analysis of Oxygen-built content as
well as inclusion of Oxygen images in sitemap

Enhancement: CodeMirror improvements including better formatting and theme options
Enhancement: Added offset option for built-in smooth scroll script (#3485)
Enhancement: Added explicit drag & drop handles in Structure Pane (#3464)
Enhancement: Added custom HTML tag option for elements (#3285)
Enhancement: Galleries now remember selected images, allowing you to update existing galleries without having to re-select all images (#3321)
Enhancement: Added ability to lock a selector in the Advanced tab of the Properties Pane (#3247)
Enhancement: Added basic text editor to the Properties Pane for non-rich text elements (#2208)

Tweak: Updated CodeMirror library used for in-builder code editor (#3262)
Tweak: Updated Dragula used for Structure Pane drag & drop (#3262)
Tweak: Updated Fuse used for +Add search (#3262)
Tweak: Removed unused nuSelectable script (#3262)
Tweak: Removed unused jQuery UI Sortable script (#3262)
Tweak: Updated setup wizard button styles (#3493)
Tweak: Corrected issue where Design Set Options meta box text was black on a dark background (#3450)
Tweak: Composite Elements icons now load over HTTPS (#3453)
Tweak: Added != operator to Dynamic Data condition (#3367)
Tweak: General CSS updates for Oxygen admin screens, installation wizard, and design library screens

Fix: Corrected incorrect buffer termination that caused issues with some third-party plugins (#3387)
Fix: Grid default settings should now be visible when editing a class (#3401)
Fix: Corrected issue where built-in smooth scroll script caused auto scrolling to WooCommerce tabs on front end and back end (#3485)
Fix: Corrected issue where register_condition_taxonomy_term() ran on every Admin screen, causing slowness on sites with many posts/terms (#3483)
Fix: Corrected issue where Rank Math broke nested comment replies (#2661)
Fix: Corrected jQuery UI conflict that caused appearance of search box in builder and media selection to be broken (#3368)
Fix: Corrected notice "WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly" (#3446)
Fix: Corrected issue where an Edit Only user/role could make changes to a class when disable classes was enabled for them (#3380)
Fix: "Disable IDs" for users/roles with Edit Only access should now work correctly (#3419)
Fix: Corrected mis-aligned color selector button in Firefox (#2773)
Fix: Corrected display isuses with slider controls in Properties Pane in Firefox (#2772)
Fix: Corrected invalid CSS output for Flexbox child controls - changed left/right to flex-start/flex-end (#1746)
Fix: You can now use a Global Color for the Toggle element's icon (#1394)
Fix: Corrected "Add Elementss" typo on the Edit Mode page (#3279)
Fix: Corrected issue where setting link URL using dynamic data from ACF email field resulted in slashes after mailto (#2618)
Fix: Corrected issue where Dynamic Data > Author Pic ignored specified size (#3259)
Fix: Corrected "radii" typo in border radius control (#2506)
Fix: Corrected issue where setting a Site URL that's different from the WordPress URL in Settings > General broke Oxygen (#1296)
Fix: Switched to enqueuing PhotoSwipe CSS & JS instead of using and tags (#2766)
Fix: Corrected issue causing error when list of options for a Condition's values contained a duplicate (#3277)
Fix: Dynamic Data & Conditions dialogs should now scroll when overflowing content is present (#2946)
Fix: Corrected "Recoverable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string" error related to Oxygen's Gutenberg integration (#3276)
Fix: Oxygen now only registers 16 levels of shortcodes for API elements flagged as nestable (#3252)
Fix: Optimized Oxygen's shortcode signing process (#3183)
Fix: Corrected issue where Date condition did not work for logged out users when the value was set via Dynamic Data from an ACF field [requires re-saving condition] (#3200)
Fix: Corrected PHP error if Menu > Spacing padding was left blank (#2361)
Fix: It should now be possible to edit link element text when smooth scrolling is enabled (#3034)
Fix: Corrected "TypeError: $(...).unslider is not a function" error when previewing a page that contains a Slider through a template (#2759)
Fix: Corrected issue where Gallery rendered via Inner Content element in a template caused Photoswipe JS error (#2148)
Fix: Dynamic Data > Date should now respect the specified format (#2018)
Fix: Improved Modal overflow/focus behavior (#1776)
Fix: Corrected issue where adding or selecting a Widget element resulted in CodeMirror breaking (#1611)
Fix: Corrected issue where odd number of apostrophes in a Pricing Box broke header and footer styling in the back end (#2525)
Fix: Corrected issue where changing Column typography settings at a breakpoint caused Columns to stack at that breakpoint (#2775)

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Frequently Asked Questions

I already have Oxygen. How do I get 3.8?

Login to your account to download 3.8 at, or upgrade with one click in your WordPress admin panel.

Do I ever have to renew my Oxygen license?

Never. We are serious about lifetime updates.

Can I use Oxygen on my clients' websites?

100% yes. They do not need to buy their own license.

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