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Posted on July 31, 2019

Oxygen 3.0 Beta 1 Now Available

hello world!

Today, we're proud to announce the release of the first beta of Oxygen 3.0.

This release contains primarily bug fixes and polish for the new Gutenberg integration, WooCommerce integration, and Repeater element.

Existing customers can download the beta in the customer portal.

To see an overview of the new features in 3.0, check out the 3.0 alpha release blog post at

Below is a mostly complete changelog of the changes between Oxygen 3.0 alpha 2 and Oxygen 3.0 beta 1. This does not include changes made between Oxygen 2.4.1 and 3.0 alpha 1, or changes made between Oxygen 3.0 alpha 1 and alpha 2.

Polish: Various Gutenberg integration polish and improvements
Polish: Various WooCommerce integration polish and improvements

Tweak: Prevented Properties Pane breadcrumb text from wrapping
Tweak: Dynamic data elements now render as a placeholder in Gutenberg

Fix: Improved loading of dependencies for Oxygen-WooCommerce elements
Fix: Corrected JavaScript errors related to WooCommerce Product Builder element
Fix: Improved Gutenberg CSS loading to avoid breaking WP Admin styles
Fix: Prevented adding more than one Product Tabs element to a design
Fix: Corrected issue that caused some Google Fonts not to load properly
Fix: Dynamic data placeholders in Gutenberg now use span nice names (set in Structure Pane) for their label
Fix: Repeaters now work on the front end when used in a Gutenberg block
Fix: Corrected spacing below Font Family drop downs for some WooCommerce elements
Fix: Removed some non-CSS properties from CSS generation process

Please note that alpha and beta releases of Oxygen should not be used on production sites. We do not provide official support for alpha or beta versions of Oxygen. If you encounter bugs, please report them on GitHub.

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