Oxygen 3.0.1 is a minor release that addresses the following bugs that were introduced in Oxygen 3.0:
- Corrected issue where Oxygen sites in sub-directories experienced loss of global styles and stylesheets after saving templates
- Corrected unsupported block error message in Gutenberg when using the Oxygen Gutenberg integration
- Corrected issue where dynamic background images no longer appeared
- Corrected issue which prevented setting background images for Oxygen blocks in Gutenberg
- Corrected issue where changes made to Oxygen blocks in Gutenberg didn't save in some instances
- Made it possible to change number of columns in Products List element based on responsive breakpoint
We strongly encourage everyone to update to Oxygen 3.0.1 to avoid the issues listed above.
Oxygen 3.0.1 is available as an in-place update via the Plugins page in the WordPress admin panel, or you can download it directly from the customer portal.